PF Office Delhi North address Below is detailed information of PF Office. with contact numbers of Regional PF Commissioner, Public Relation Officer and Assistant PF Commissioner. Employees Provident Fund Organisation Delhi North is giving the online facility to the members of EPFO. The members can also download the forms by visiting to the official website of EPFO.
PF Office Delhi North Detail’s
( Employees Provident Fund Organisation )
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan,
8th Floor, 28 Community Centre,
Wazirpur Industrial Area,
New Delhi, Delhi 110052
Phone No: +91-11-27376772
Fax Number: +91-11-27376777
Public Relation Officer (PRO)
Phone Number: +91-11-27376780
Map of Delhi North EPF Office
Note : If You Want Help For The Employees Provident Fund Organization, They Can Comment Down Your Questions And Problems Below, Or If You Want Any Information From Our Team Then Also Comment Below.
नोट : जो भी कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन से सम्बंधित कोई सुचना चाहता हैं! वो अपने प्रश्नों को और समस्याओं को नीचे कमेंट कर सकते हैं और अगर आपको कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन से रिलेटेड कुछ पूछना हो तो भी आप इस वेबसाइट पर कमेंट कर सकते हैं!
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
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Dear sir,
UAN : 100166691843
My self KRAR SIDDIK SHAIKH and I want to correct my Name on UAN profile my correct name as mentioned , due to which I am unable update Kyc , pan card and also I am unable to claim , I have filled a form for correction BEFORE 45 DAY but still not done how long will take I want to claim but I m unable due to profile name now I am unable to login my UAN account its getting error SQL error,
Sir kindly HELP Me I M SO FRASTED ..
Thank you.
Warm regards
Shaikh Ikrar
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
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Respected sir,
My name is JAVED , an ex-employee (ID NO- 100237688)of Titan at dehradun.
I had submitted my form in regarding to my PF on 4 OCTOBER in which I mentioned the the wrong Account number of an ICICI BANK (Account NO- 016401565224) .
I want to change my account number as I submitted the form again in PF OFFICE on 12 OCTOBER to change my account number to PNB BANK Account i.e (Account No-3137000100256077)
(IFSC CODE- PUNB0313700)
My UAN NO- 100173385467.
Mob NO- 8477967242.
PF NO- DL 24754/162021.
Kindly reject the previous account no of ICICI BANK and provide my PF on my PNB account.
I’ll be thankful.
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
Thank you for Comment.
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
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We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
Thank you for Comment.
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
Thank you for Comment…
We will email you as soon as possible and will help you in every possible way.
Thank you for Comment….
Dear Sir
We have applied for Higher Pension Scheme, verification of which has also been done, about six months ago, but till now none of our employees have received the demand letter, what should we expect, how much more time will it take, some of our employees have retired from last December 23, they too are waiting to fill the form to get pension at the new rate,
Please tell me how much more time will it take